Thursday, June 24, 2010

aqil at the age of nearly 13 months

aqil now:

walks lala around the more crawling (sometimes only)..he is so confident in walking..(kadang ibu yang menjerit sebab takut jatuh hehe)..and he loves it when we hold his hands and walk together with him..

can get on and get off our bed all by himself..with very skillful moves..hehe..go aqil!

loves to eat chicken soup masak lemak sayur and laksam (hopefully these food are okay for my baby)..

he is getting very manja..and kuat nangis (which really buat ibu sayu) this just some parts and parcels of him growing up..?huhu..

he is so friendly towards other babies or toddlers..those whom we meet at clinics or restaurants or anywhere actually!!..hihi..kadang2 orang yang takut sama aqil..he..good boy..

when we bentang sejadah for our prayers he'll come near us and do rukuk yang digabung dengan sujud (imagine how) and say 'abba abba..(his way of saying Allahuakbar i suppose)..besar2 nanti jangan tinggal solat ye sayang..

we can feel how he loves us more and more and how he needs us badly..each day..and aqil..we love you more than you can imagine sayang..

okay kenapakah gambar gedik ini has to be here?
oh ya..untuk menunjukkan ibu walaupun sedang working..tapi ibu am thinking about aqil..
thinking how i love you so much..
and i love aqil's ayah so much too.
i love you both..


bibopp said...

nice tudung style.winks*

Unknown said...

hehe cheeky smile!comel..

aqilnammar'smum said...

hehe..baru habis tutoring on how to wear one kepada kakak2ku kat school..padahal tuan empunye main pusing je..hehe..papi..sudah ppotong rambut kah?macam mau potong juga huhu..