Wednesday, July 7, 2010

~this is it~

image by 'google'

it's always impressing and fascinating to see how one can achieve out of the ordinary without having to give their all..
it's always heartwarming and bringing tears to my eyes witnessing those who do achieve outstanding things in their lives but having to sacrifice a lot of things...

i guess i am the latter one..minus the ^outstanding^..hihi..

*Aku berniat kerana Mu ya Allah*
Bimbingkan lah kami dalam mencapai apa yang kami impikan..

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*this one goes to my BFF ~ tuan habibah tuan ali*
p:s~ let us reach for what we are able to go for. the stars are as a start. *i love you*

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*and my happiness involves the happiness of the people that i love*
*dearest en Suami and aqil sayang~i love you so much that it really hurts to have to do this*
~but please, don't forget that i truly love both of you, so much~

image by google


budakbarublaja said...

semoga moktok n papa tabah time we might feel discourage but with a strong heart insya allah u two will make it...simpan semangat tu sampai akhir perjalanan...sebab nak sustain semangat tu along d way lagi susah...

aqilnammar'smum said...


insyaAllah sayang..

will do..

bibopp said...

m sure we r going to be alright.insyaAllah