Sunday, April 3, 2011

i am back!!!


Hi! Bloggy blog of has been a while. My masters classes and assignments and project papers have taken their toll on me..taking away my time my sleep but giving more fats to me..hhehe..excuse sebab jadi gemuk tak habis2..

Well..for now..I am free from all the miseries..miseries which I love..the challenges, the tears, the sweats and the headache..I thank Allah for giving me these things..I shall not complain too much or at all as this is what I have chosen..however, as a human being, I sometimes fall and I thank Allah as these past few months have taught me how to be a better person, strengthening what’s inside me, teaching me to value people around me..thank you Allah..

Well I must warn you, this one is gonna be longggggggg…..i haven’t written for sooo loooonnggg..i have lots of things to tell..huhu..

Well, let’s start with the previous semester. It had been very challenging than the first one as I was travelling alone every weekend to and fro. And the subjects taken were quite challenging. The 2 ½ journey had been accompanied by sleepy eyes, lots of coffee, food anfd moreeeeeeee fooooooddddd! wonder I gained an extra kilo in the end. I thank everybody, my family and my best friends and my masters coursemates . but, there is this one person, whom I can never be able to repay for all his sacrifices and love, my one and only encik ridzuan, my one and only chenta.chewaaahhh..hehe..thank you so much for being my best friend, who understands me inside and out (which I don’t like cause you seem to know everything that is inside my head grrrr I cannot kelentong you a little bit pun tak bleh), thank you so much for making me feel that you and aqil will be just fine, ensuring me to go ahead and have my classes leaving you to do all the cooking and laundries..pushing me to complete my assignments and keeping up with the messed up house due my time constraints and piles of assignments. Abang, you are a dear. I love you so much. this one is for you. (imagine me singing the song which I used to sing to you…lalala..ku mencintaimu lebih dari..tralala..)..thank you sayang, really…;)

Well, now let’s talk about another thing. We are really thankful for this one. This is like the best gift ever for my ending of the second semester! (melampau tul adlina ni)..our very own small, homey, comfy house!!it was a really hard work to move out and later move in..lucky us we have got people close to our hearts to help us with things. Now I have to do major arrangements of things for the whole house..huhuhu..

I’m blessed to have chentaku with me. With his smart moves and plans, things went well. It all ended at 9 last night for the two of us putting away and taking in what’s left at the old house. And we had spent our first night in our own home in the living room.hehe..i decided to put our mattress in the middle of the boxes, in front of the TV. All three of us slept together and little aqil was the most excited one to have both of his mum/mak (not yet ibu don’t know when am still waiting for the historical moment) and ayah snuggling close to him.

When little aqil was fast asleep, we performed our isyak’ and hajat prayers together. Despite of our energy draining away and our weary eyes, we prayed for the best for all of us and also the new home. I have always love the ending of our berjemaah session..there is always this peace and happy feeling inside of me..and love love and more love..we lepak on our ‘bed’, shared a few laughs (a loud one and that woke aqil up. He sat up straight, merely opening his eyes, with his face expression mcm tak puas hati and baring and sambung his tidur. amboi marah nampak sayang hehe)..however the ting tong parents continued laughing as the show was very funny and we hit the pillow at 12 something.

I smiled while closing my eyes and trying too sleep. What a way to end a very tiring day. I babbled a few things to my husband and he was like ‘hmm hmm hmm’ and I talked and talked and I did not realize when I drifted to sleep.

Cannot wait to get home and be with my heroes and manage all the boxes..thank you Allah..thank you for giving me my two heroes and thank you for giving us all that we have now. We are thankful. Very thankful.

p.s. I always tell my darlings to have an essay which is linked as each paragraph is developed. Now what is the teachers herself writing??malu kalau ade anak murid baca blog hehe..

bloggy blog, I’ll come back later okay. Much love!


bibopp said...

m proud of u! much love

aqilnammar'smum said...

love you muah2!

budakbarublaja said...

tak sabo nak crash umah baru moktok...finally update pun blog nye...keep on updating part time job bace blog org...

aqilnammar'smum said...

hehe..boleh boleh..but you must come and see the house yourself.i will not upload any pic. malu i hehe

Unknown said...

a'ah bila nak serbu umah naa ni...:) congrats yg paling awal beli umah...

aqilnammar'smum said...

haha..pi..ha ah..pastu na yg paling pokai hehe..