Sunday, February 7, 2010

the continuation

*nearly 7 p.m, 6.30 something gitu*
the pain dah selang seminit setengah..all of us..mak ayah ayuni aiman and my abang semua tgk jam kira mase..haha..looking was fun we called the  nurse..she came and went to ask the doctor and she came back once again bringing a wheel chair.."it's time..jom masuk labour room" she i got on the chair..feeling excited haha..i finally get to see my baby wi..on our way to the labour room..i smiled to everyone who i came upon i was getting onto the bed..a lovely makcik..the mother of a patient (besides my labour room who's been in the labour room since 4 p.m) came to see me said "oloh..buleh senyum lagi" abang helped me to put on my labour baju hihi..he didn't say anything..he just smiled to me..oh i can see that he was scared too..but the excitement was overwhelming..apelah adlina ni..huhu..then ayah and abang stood on both sides of my bed..untuk teman me..huhu..i love you ayah and abang..mak and ayuni and aiman went back home to settle things..the pain came and went..and it grew stronger..i never stopped reciting surah nabi nuh and a few ayat suci Al-quran yang mak and kawan2 mak pesan suruh hafal..huhu..then azan maghrib..abang went out to pray first..then i asked ayah "what about kaklong ayah?" ayah said "kaklong boleh hormat waktu. solat sambil baring.."..Alhamdulillah..dalam kesakitan i managed to pray..semoga Allah menerima solatku dan akan ku qadakkan nanti..huhu..

*8 something p.m*
earlier..the doctor injected something after i got on the labour that actually made me sleepy..when the pain attacked,i'd wake up..then when it reduced i'd doze off..the nurse said it was to sustain my energy..i'll automatically wake up when the pain was there..then the pain grew stronger and was like senggugut yang teruk+cirit birit yang teruk..memulas2..but up to that moment i only look at ayah and abang and whisper "ayah sakit..abang sakit.."then ayah said "sabar sayang..ingat Allah.."and right form the start,i could see ayah never stopped saying his prayers while standing beside me..and abang..his face was pale and he kept saying sabar sayang sabar sayang and never let go of my hand..and hugged me everytime i told him it was painful huhu..then isya's came and at that moment the pain was unbearable..dah tak boleh nak hormat solat isya' dah..before this i could hear the nurses saying to themeselves "bagusnya patient ni.senyap aje senyum aje"..but now..i started telling to the nurse (i forgot to mention but while i was in the labour room, right from the start, there was always a nurse with me rubbing my legs chatting with me and ayah and abang telling me that it's gonna be allright..thank you kak..although your rubbing did not reduce the pain but thank you for being there ;)) "kak..sakitnyo kak..tak tahan dah ni.."

*9 something p.m*
before this..the nurses pesan kalau rase macam nak terpupi and terwiwi cakap..cause that means it was time to push huhu..and now..yes.. i felt like 'pupiing' so much..the kakak asked me to lie on my that time i was holding to abang until his collar went loose..i pulled his shirt to show him how painful it was..all i remember at that time was how painful it was..aduh..sakit..

*9.30 p.m*
the doctor came in and she was suprised to see that i was 9cm dialated.." is time"..she said..and they said something about "tak semestinya yang sakit dulu beranak dulu"..maybe they were referring to the kakak besides my room..huhu..then..the doctor and the nurses(there were 4 of them with me, ayah had to go out dah..and he is with ayuni just outside the room which is like less that 5 metres away from me which abled them to hear everything that was going on inside and mak went further because she could not stand listening to my ouch ouch hehe and she was crying because she kesian me..mak..i love you..)..taught me the right way to push..(which i did not really master up till the baby came out haha)...then there were words of encouragement from the nurses and the doctor.."allahuakbar..allah..allah..adlina boleh buat..cepat adlina cepat kesian baby..salah push tu salah lagi lagi..tahan nafas tahan nafas..and everytime i felt the contraction coming which meant that it was time to push..i'd be like "okay doctor okay doctor boleh dah boleh dah" and the doctor would "okay wan come on wan" and i pushed and pushed and when the baby still did not come out i would ask the doctor "doctor betul dah ke cara saya push" and after that everytime i've pushed i would ask the same question to the doctor..sampai doctor dengan nurses macam nak tergelak..patient banyak cakap hehe..and i remembered the final time i pushed i could feel the most unbelievable pain down there..macam terkoyak perit pedih sume ade..and then the doctor said 'doktor nak gunting sikit ni wan' and i felt the 'krapp' and the blood mengalir and i pushed and i pushed and i went blank..

*10.24 p.m*
i went unconcious for a few seconds..yes..hehe..pushed too hard i guess hehe..i came back into reality bile doctor panggil "wan wan this is your baby..look at him look at him"..and she put the my baby onto my chest..wah..that was beautiful..and.."sayang..anak kite dah keluar sayang isk sik" abang was crying sampai teresak besides me..wah..that one was another beautiful moment..everytime i ungkit kat die..he'd just smile and touch my hand..huhu..i love you sayang..and later mak and ayuni came running in..and we cried and hugged each other..and ayah..hehe..he did not come in to see me..but instead he went staright near to the nurse who was cleaning up see his grandson..hehe..i love you ayah..

and the pain or whatsoever that we had to go through after that..jahitan (sakit mase nak bius but after that tak rase ape2 dah..don't worry soon to become mothers..hehe..) time tarik uri..time doktor korek darah2 beku..those things..kite dah tak kisah..rase sakit..tapi rase lega and bahagia dah melampaui segala2nya..alhamdulillah..thank you Allah for giving us the opportunity to feel all this..amin..

and up until darling muhammad aqil..never fails to delight us..with every little move..every little giggle..every little gestures of love..below are some of aqil's habits which my abang and i love about him so much..
*now his way of kissing me is by sucking my face sampai merah
*he loves to hug and being hugged huhu..
*he loves to giggle out loud..
*he loves to say out syllables yang bunyi macam Allah Allah..
*when he cries because of pain he'll reach out his hands to me and say 'ibu ibu' a baby talk way..huhu..this..i love the most..
*he loves books but not to read but to be read out to him (especially when we make funny noises while reading him a story) and he loves eating we bought him a soft book from ikea and he loves it so much! (worth the price*winkwink*)
*he loves his mr libby and mr deerie so much
*he loves playing with his toys when it is play time..
*he loves oranges and tak boleh tgk orang makan..mesti buat muka kesian..
*he loves to ride in cars and go somewhere..melancong jalan2..macam his ibu..hehe..
*he loves his bathing time..he loves to play with water..kalau time mandi..bukak aje baju..kalau mood tak berape elok terus berubah jadi happy sangat2 sampai yesterday we bought him a small pool..very cute and educational siap ade tower2 'toys r us' living a blissful life with my abang and my two heroes..and i'm their queen..hehe..amin..


aifaa said...

ibu...i'm actually crying while reading this... :') rase besar sgt kekuasaan allah especially to those He loves and yg tak pernah lupe Dia.i love you sooo so much. i'm just so happy for everything that's been blessed to you.semoga allah will continue giving his rahmat and blessings to you,wan, and aqil.

love you.

aqilnammar'smum said...

kakak're gonna experience this too sooner or's one of the most beautiful feeling..that we get to have..given by Allah..Alhamdulillah..

love you more..

Unknown said...

naa,,naa cakap naa senang bersalin..tapi papi rasa mcm ngeri je...tak terbayang rasa sakit tue mcmana..
anyway lepas bca entry naa rasa tak sabar lak nak ada baby ;p

aqilnammar'smum said...

papee dear..senang sebab sekejap je sakit..huhu..orang lain sakit berjam jam dear..huhu..kakak2 kat sekolah ni kate na dalam kategori senang lah juga hehe..tapi sape2 pun akan rase sakit..sekejap atau lame..