Monday, May 31, 2010

aqil is one year old!

aqil at the age of one year old.

*he can walk.finally!(although he'll go wobbly here and there to the right and to the left haha)
*when i teased him by being mad at something he did he'll make a sad face
*when he is playing with his toys with me by his side, whenever i turn somewhere else like to the TV while imitating his utterances he'll notice that i wasn't looking at him and he'll pull and tug my shirt wanting me to concentrate only on him
*more syllables day by day!which i adore so much huhu.
*this morning (before going to work and he's slightly cheerful but very 'tired looking' because of the fever (owh gosh i hope you are doing okay at home with ayah now)..i said (like i always say everyday) 'who is muhammad aqil please raise up your hand' he held both of his hands up!and i was speechless and gave him some kisses on his face!!excited!
*another tooth is coming up
*adores his atuk so much
*whenever he sees me or my husband preparing to perform our solat he'll go 'Aabbaaahh'..just like everytime we say Allahuakbar to show him that we are gonna do our prayers he'll go 'Aabbaaahh'..Alhamdulillah..can't wait to teach you on how to recite the Al-quran and perform your solat and puasa..amin..and when my husband puts a 'kopiah' on his head he'll act and move his body as if sedang bertasbih macam tu hihi..we adore this act so much!!
*loves to play peekaboo.whenever he gets hold of a cloth he'll start 'peekabooing'..
*one thing that does not change much - he loves being hugged and kissed..and tickled..he'll laugh his heart out..

i guess this is just the cycle of one gets the chance of going back to any stage of life (except in movies) a mother i could only watch my son grows and achieves things major or minor (only major for me!all of them!)..and i am happy..happy..(only a little tiny bit of..sadness..)i just missed him being a baby who only loves to be cradled in my arms..not knowing to do anything just yet..those were the days and i wished i would treasure those moments more!

the playful him

to note: there is no more of the ribena drink still practicing less or no sugar at all for my aqil

*happy birthday aqil*

~ibu and ayah love you so much~


bibopp said...

happy birthday aqil.may u become a pride to ur parents.grow up and be a handsome man, but don't break women's hearts.hehe.
n ibu, u have been a great mom.congrats.keep it up!

Aizuddin said...

Aqil..nnt ayh cik pos adiah..hehe.. happy birthday qil

aqilnammar'smum said...

beep love-thank you for coming and thank you for being you..for being one of the people i treasure most in my life

adik-adik!!!aqil says ba ba when i say ayah cik said happy birthday qil..adik..kaklong tak sempat angkat phone tadi you so much!!

Unknown said...

wah aqil,,one year already..happy birthday baby boy..may Allah bless u always..:)

aqilnammar'smum said...

papee sayang:thanks che ti (from aqil hihi)